OT6: Contribute to the conservation of the environment and cultural heritage
The project to "improve the accessibility of the Abrigo Grande and tourist signs in the Old Town” in Hellín it will be undertaken between December 2020 and March 2021, with a total amount of the works of € 96,800, within the framework of the Resolution of 21/03/2018, de la Dirección General de Turismo, Comercio y Artesanía, by which the call for expressions of interest for the selection and execution of projects is approved, related to promotion, improvement and increase of tourist resources by local entities, within the framework of the Feder Castilla-La Mancha Operational Program 2014-2020 (DOCM knob. 61, of 27 March 2018), and with a DECA public aid of € 77,440 that corresponds to the 80% of co-financing of the Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha and the European Union through the ERDF, the rest being € 19,360 of municipal contribution.
The European Regional Development Fund co-finances the following action, contributing to the priorities of the European Union in terms of economic cohesion, social and territorial through strategic investments that result in the economic growth of the region. This action will be co-financed through the Regional Operational Program 2014ES16RFOP010-FEDER 2014-2020 CASTLLA-LA MANCHA through the Priority Axis 6; Investment Priority 6.c in a maximum percentage of the 80% on the total costs of the same.
Its specific objective is to promote protection, promotion and development of cultural heritage, in particular by promoting infrastructure, means and support to the tourism sector of the Castilla-La Mancha region with all its potentialities, making tourism sustainable by increasing the number of visits planned to cultural heritage and natural sites and to attractions that receive aid.
The action will consist of improving accessibility to the Abrigo Grande by installing security elements and consolidating the traditional access route to it.. On the other hand, the signaling of the Old Town of Hellín will be carried out in two parts, on the one hand the directional: Through information posts from all the entrances of Hellín. Access routes to the historic center as well as exit routes will be created, marking the main points of interest as access and exit routes, Historical set, archaeological park, etc..
Furthermore, a series of interpretive signs will be installed: It is a series of totems where a series of buildings and historical areas of Hellín will be highlighted. These signs will also have inclusive elements such as braille texts and QR codes.
There will be a total of 21 interpretive signs scattered around Hellín and its main tourist attractions.
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